Bimbo-divas.blogspot is finally giving in TANNING TIPS FOR SUMMER!!!
Before I start with tips I must say that EVERY SINGLE PERSON HAS HIS OWN INDIVIDUAL SKIN. No matter what I wrote - your skin could react diffrently.
1, Know your own skin.
- If you know your body and it´s needs it´ll be much easier to protect it and heal it.If you have really light skin with a lot of freckles and marks you need to be creamed from head to toes. If you have dark skin you don´t need almost anything. Chubby ladies and girls have often better skin than slim and thin ones - because their skin is perfectly fed :_)
2, Drink a lot.
3, Eating enough.
4, Turning around.
- You shall turn your body for tanning whole body and for relaxing already tanned parts.5, Getting wet if it´s possible.
- Wet your body every hour of tanning if you can. Water will hydrate your skin and tann will be much more comfortable.6, Glasses
- If you won´t have your eyes closed then you must wear sunglasses. In present are so many cool glasses to wear! I love Aviators, Retro, Wayfarer or Fly-Eyes :_DBikini bra from S.Oliver, bikini panties from KIK, Aviator sunglasses from
7, Creaming-Timing
- It depends on your skin how much you need to cream yourself, but if you will feel a lil´ lil´ LIL´ even a bit burning on your body parts, CREAM THEM!!! Cream your body as much you need. Sunburns can make your night living hell. Breathing problems, eating problems, overheating of your body, feeling like dying. I swear nothing is worse than to be unable to inhale to exhale. You can have breathe problems especially when you will have sunburned your chest. Cream yourself for every 1Ominutes if you need. Or just take a break from sun. Good timing and knowing that you´ve had enough for day is one of the most important rules!8, After tanning ...
- Cream all your tanned bodyparts with hand-creame. Hands need a special hydrating because of drying, freezing in winter, changing enviroment every moment, washing and cleaning. And I SWEAR YOUR BODY WILL BE SMOOTH AS BABY BOTTOM, FLEXIBLE AS RUBBERBALL AND HYDRATED AS NEVER. I cream my body, legs, arms and even face with handcreames with lavender extracts, olive oil extracts and cocco-nut extracts. It´s so nice to be smelling like herbals or like Rafaelo pralines :_)___________
1, NEVER underrestimate the power of solarium.
- First two or three visits of solarium you shall be really carefull. Never ever ever take more than 5 or 8 minutes in it. Every sking reacts diffrently to solarium. Even you have the same skin type as your friend, your skin may not take solar-tanning as good as your friend´s did. LESS IS MORE!!!!NEVER USE SOLARIUM MORE THAN 3 max 4 TIMES A WEEK!
2, Drinking.
Drink O,5 l of liquid hour before solarium-tanning. And have another O,5 l of liquid with you to drink after. In solarium your body overheats and you need to be okay, so drink before, drink after! NEVER DRINK ALCOHOL BEFORE OR AFTER SOLARIUM VISIT!!! You body may react whole diffrently than it does when you drink normally.3, Creaming-Timing-Hydrating
Point No. 3 is the same as point No. 8 in Sunbathing Tips. And if you feel your body rejects solarium, stop til´ there´s time to be okay._____________________
- Even when you can´t sunbath yourself, you can make look yourself DAAAMN HOT!!! Tunics are soft, easy, breezy and cover your body from hurting sunshines :_) and baggy panties are fashionista!Tunica from Hallens, black bra with pink ribbon from Hallens and silver/brown floral metal bracelet from Avon.
Follow theese simple rules and you will be sun kissed tan or sexy and you can smile just like us!
Me and Megie - vacation in Italy, town San Bennedetto Del Tronto, year 2011
Me - yellow tank top with added lace patterns, shorts from KIK, beach bag from F&F, sunglasses, silver neklace with Ankh, silver/brown floral metal bracelet Avon Jewels.
Megie - blue tank top, blue and white Hello Kitty´s shorts, elephant-bone-collored sunglasses, white Prada imitation bag.
awesome tips you got there! really cool read and helpful since its summer :)
Thanks a loottaa :_)) THEESE tips are verified on me. I love sun and sunbathing and I thought I shall share this, because a lot of ppl die because of overheating, dehydration and over-sunburns. It´s not so much known but too much sunburns around chest and kneck can make you stopp breathe in night while sleeping without your notice.
OdpovědětVymazatThanks a lott for your visit and comeback :_) Please, become a reader :_)
These pictures are so funny, above all the ones of the cherries! Thank you so so much for your comment on my blog! And regarding with your comment, I didn't take any of those pictures, when they're mine I say it in the blog!!
OdpovědětVymazatA very big hug!!
Eyes of zodiac
Wooow thanks a lot :_)) Yeah, Cherries is one of my favourite ones :_D All were taken one year ago :_)) Hope you will comeback :_)
VymazatxOxOx Sandy
hug you too :_))
great tips:)
OdpovědětVymazatthanks a lot and come again :_)
Vymazatwow your tan! nice tips! I am your newest follower! I cannot wait to read more of your posts and hope that maybe you can return the favor and follow my preppy blog. I always comment for every comment left on my page and hope to start a friendly relationship with your wonderful blog!
OdpovědětVymazatBe sure to see me on your blog :_)) Thanks a lot, I really appreciatte it :_))